When done correctly, fisting should be enjoyable. It is, nevertheless, a really distinct sense. It is not thrusting a fist into the body of another person. It is the process of inserting your hand, wrist, or forearm into someone else’s butt or vagina front hole, or you can call it pussy, making it wet and giving her the fun of her lifetime like in Taboo Live Sex. There are many primary stances that appear to be effective for fisting. Begin with the one you believe has the most possibility of success, but don’t be hesitant to try others as well, like you want to do all those horny stuff to your girl while having all the time alone with her in bed.
Across Her Back
The woman is lying on her back, knees bent and feet flat on the ground, while her companion kneels between her wide legs. (If it’s more comfortable, she can try laying them on her partner’s shoulders). Stretching out and tilting her head back may make more room for your hand. All of the internal organs rise up as the spine is extended, generating more excellent space and less strain on the vagina.
Titis is on her side.
The woman is lying on one side at an angle of roughly 85 degrees, with one leg up in the air. Again, if required, she rests it on her partner’s shoulder for comfort. If needed, place cushions beneath her hips for support and elevation.
Standing on all foursĀ
The woman is supported on her hands and knees. She can also curl her arms beneath and lay on her shoulders. This may be even better because it somewhat elevates the pelvis. Pillows can be used to support her shoulders or piled up so she can rest her abdomen and hips on them without having to keep herself up.
Make sure that whichever posture you select is comfortable for her to stay in for a lengthy amount of time. It may take several sessions of trial and error to find the positions that work best for you, or you may get it perfect the first time. In any case, be patient and enjoy the ride. You may damage yourself with any type of sex if you do something that hurts and keeps doing it. You must pay attention to how you feel as well as how your spouse feels during fisting.